

One of the benefits of being in business for so long is that chances are we have seen your problem or one very similar before.  当我们的技术专家团队到达现场时, they rely a long list of experiences and skills developed over 6 generations.  This combined with innovative thinking and a lean perspective will help to optimize your process.  Check out some of our case studies, or maybe become one of them. 你的成功就是我们的成功.

清理难以清理的地方 用Aquaease 2289提亮黄铜

作为工业和石油加热喷嘴的领导者, 该公司提供显著减少燃烧污染物,清洁空气,有助于减少碳和烟尘,帮助保持设置效率和延长维护周期.

清理难以清理的地方 在线油漆剥离与Aquastrip MPS

Integrating the stripping process into the powder coating line has reduced rejection rates, 提供了更一致的, uniform and reliable coating on the faucets and fixtures.

清理难以清理的地方 回收或再用? 与Aquastrip ACB的省钱比较

通过在他们的过程中添加Aquastrip ACB, companies can reuse their masking plugs allowing them to save money, improve profitability and satisfy the need for environmental and most importantly economic sustainability.

清理难以清理的地方 使用祖母绿酸清洁#1清洁铝型材

祖母绿酸性清洁#1 -柠檬酸浸泡, 超声波, 可用于去除各种土壤和氧化物的喷雾清洁剂-优于竞争对手的化学产品,并且对于一家生产航空航天用深拉铝型材的国际公司来说,它更容易控制, 汽车及军用市场.

清理难以清理的地方 Lusterlume提高铝锻造产量

Lusterlume ALB 4 removes residual oxidation left on aluminum forgings after annealing process. Improve process speed and cleanliness while seeing improvements to your bottom line.

治疗难治之症 Metal Treatment and Hex Chrome Reduction with AquaPure

宾夕法尼亚州一家著名的军事金属精加工工厂在处理六价铬酸盐冲洗液时遇到了麻烦,因为其中也含有镉. Our team of experts set the system up to treat both the hex chrome and cadmium bearing rinses in the same tank.

治疗难治之症 废水中六价铬的还原研究

Hexavalent chromium (Cr(VI)) is not easily treated, unless you really understand the chemistry. 幸运的是, 罗宾的交易, 澳门威尼斯人网上赌场污水专家, both understood the chemistry and was familiar with the manufacturing processes Limco was using. 罗宾以一项全面的可治疗性研究开始了她的治疗过程,向Limco管理层证明,他们的问题是可以解决的.

治疗难治之症 The Perfect Mix: Exceeding Guidelines and Reducing Costs in 废水处理

一种铝罐制造材料不符合当地和州废水处理管辖范围内对工厂排放的氟化物水平的规定. The plant’s influent fluoride level was 60 ppm, and its discharge limit was 15 ppm.

治疗难治之症 Solving Wastewater Problems Tankside and Side-by-Side

Did you keep a journal in Science class of the steps you took to solve a problem? 信不信由你, our AquaPure technicians still keep those journals while completing a Process Audit. Step-by-step our technicians are with you to find the best process to optimize your system; ultimately providing improvement recommendations and the required training for your operators. This Process Journal is an example of how we work with you tankside until we get the "thumbs up."

治疗难治之症 Delivering a Dose of Good Service to Get a Flocculant Problem Cleared Up

Do you document the process and progress of your projects? Our wastewater specialists use Process Journals to document their thinking, 的想法, 以及项目的开发. Find out what happened when a manufacturer had a flocculant problem and the steps that were taken to clear it up.

清理难以清理的地方 静电抛光成功的关键

控制布鲁克林的电解抛光, 纽约, 已经经营60多年了吗, and one thing has remained fairly consistent in that time: a commitment to excellence in how they electropolish parts, and the chemical solutions that they use to get there.
80% of the work they perform is for the medical industry. The recent Coronavirus pandemic has started talks of more medical and surgical equipment being reshored back to the U.S., which might increase the workload for shops who perform electropolishing here.

治疗难治之症 Tank side assistance reduced 锌 and improves wastewater process

成立于1981年, 我们的客户生产60,000 - 70,000 pounds of screws daily that are carried in Lowe’s and Home Depots nationwide. Not surprisingly, the philosophy of this market leader is one of continuous improvement. However, sometimes changes for the better also have consequences. When the company went to a new acid- pickle bath pre-treat system on its paint line, the result downstream was far too much 锌 in its wastewater effluent.

清理难以清理的地方 More effective, less costly paint stripping: Aquastrip ACB

对于一家百年老店来说, issues with their paint stripping process were beginning to slow down and delay production. Their current chemistry provider was falling short on service and value. 另外, the chemistry they provided created wastewater issues due to unacceptably high level of benzyl alcohol. 更糟糕的是, this same chemistry had a strong odor that made working with it all the more unpleasant.

完成最难完成的任务 制止闪锈

A leading remanufacturer of automotive brake calipers was having problems with flash rust appearing on their finished goods. 更糟糕的是,直到重新制造的零件已经运到零售店,顾客从货架上取下盒子,看到表面生锈后,问题才暴露出来, forcing the chain stores to return the products to the distributor.

治疗难治之症 帮助阳极氧化设施达到许可限制

An anodizing facility was struggling to meet a pretreatment permit discharge limit of 10mg/L for Total Phosphorus. If the facility could not retain pretreatment permit limits, they would be at risk for fines and potentially having their permit revoked. Influent water showed an incoming Total Phosphorus averaging 700mg/L. Phosphorus came from the anodizing process rinse waters. pH值调整, 化学剂量变化, and system changes did not remove enough phosphorus to get below the facility’s discharge limits.

清理难以清理的地方 Getting Buff: Removing Polishing Compounds Before Electroplating

当涉及到电镀金属,如黄铜, 铜, 以及介于两者之间的东西, 美国电镀在克兰斯顿, 罗德岛州, knows that having a clean surface helps before running parts through their various plating lines. 美国电镀咨询了澳门威尼斯人网上赌场寻找最好的方法,以确保所有收到的零件可以正确和有效地清洗之前镀.

治疗难治之症 延长膜系统的过程寿命

In 2002, Mass Design invested in a microfiltration membrane wastewater treatment system. Committed to improving the sustainability of wastewater discharge, they were also keen to ensure a long-term return on their investment. The Hubbard-Hall team took data and analysis back to their lab and began assessing the situation, all the way from asking if minor tweaks were needed to asking if a new wastewater treatment was needed.

清理难以清理的地方 Less Cleaning 化学 Translates to Significant Cost Savings

An automotive parts manufacturer was looking to shave operating costs to help bottom-line margins. 这家公司花费了100多美元,该公司每年在清洁化学品上投入5000万美元,同时也在努力解决来自电镀业务的持续质量问题. 人们认为这是由于清洁不善造成的. With the implementation of the Aquaease Infinity process, the company saw their plating operation’s reject rate drop. In addition, cleaner bath life extended from a couple of weeks to ‘haven’t been dumped in 18 months’. 化学 usage and costs – including the cost of leasing equipment – dropped from $100,000 to $65,000.

清理难以清理的地方 Coater Sees +40% Production Gain Using -50% Less 化学

Mikon产品, a family-owned liquid and powder paint business in Oxford, 康涅狄格, needed a phosphate cleaner for use on various substrates with a multitude of unknown contaminates. 他们还需要在烘箱干燥前解决闪锈问题,并希望在过程中添加一种不会影响油漆附着力的防腐蚀剂.

治疗难治之症 Removing chrome, cutting costs in wastewater treatment nets a hole-in-one

Chromium has many industrial and decorative uses, but in wastewater, it can be a big problem. Failing to meet wastewater requirements can lead to steep fines and facility shutdowns. 南方金属加工(SMP), 最近的许可证变更意味着他们必须全天候工作,并且每天都要支付非现场测试的费用,以努力满足新的排放限制.

清理难以清理的地方 适当的培训导致更可靠的过程

澳门威尼斯人网上赌场最近被要求协助一个在真空脱脂清洁系统上遇到麻烦的金属精加工商. 关于 five years earlier, they had switched from n-propyl bromide (nPB) to perchloroethylene (perc).

清理难以清理的地方 解决不锈钢上的白雾

澳门威尼斯人网上赌场通过对制造商的清洁系统进行全面评估,然后将受影响的部件送到实验室进行检查,帮助制造商消除了产品中有问题的烟雾. The diagnosis revealed that the manufacturer was having a solvent related issue, which Hubbard-Hall solved in less than 2 weeks by recommending a new aqueous cleaning process.

完成最难完成的任务 三金属变黑挑战解决

A manufacturer needed to blacken a part made from three welded substrates. Hubbard-Hall recommended Aquaease PL solve a white haze effect. Hubbard-Hall then tested blackening the part with Cobalt 6, Inconel, and 17-4 Stainless Steel. In the end, the manufacturer used Black Magic RT SS4 to provide a deep and consistent black finish.

清理难以清理的地方 Ecoater Gets 200% More Use of Paint Stripper at 40% Savings

By analyzing and adapting their paint stripping process to include Aquastrip, 这种电镀膜机能够节省时间和金钱.

治疗难治之症 电抛光机的废水系统再次发光

作为一家公司的新老板, you never want to find out that the wastewater system is not operating within its design parameters. 当您计划通过增加更大的工艺罐和新工艺来扩展业务以提供给客户时,这一点尤其正确, and that is exactly where the new owner of one electropolishing company found themselves.

治疗难治之症 放眼上游,减少废水中的重金属

A manufacturer of stainless steel and nickel alloy bar and wire was registering extremely high amounts of nickel, 锌, 以及废水中的其他金属. 它们需要预处理和混合 它们的主要放电. When they could not find solutions from their existing supplier, 制造商呼吁澳门威尼斯人网上赌场来评估情况,找到解决方案,以便他们能够满足废水系统的排放准则

清理难以清理的地方 Stripping Paint from Masking Proves Profitable for Automotive Coater

Roy 金属表面处理 (RMF) coats millions of parts each year at its three facilities in South Carolina, and it’s attention to detail has made it one of the top finishing operations in North America, 当然也是最大的一个.  专业从事机架、桶式镀锌, 锌合金涂层, 电泳漆和粉末涂料, 对于一个特殊的应用-粉末涂层制动卡钳和制动液系统-它需要大量的遮蔽井下和其他区域,这不仅是劳动密集型的, but also used a significant amount of caps and plugs in the masking process. 他们的目标是尽可能地降低成本.

清理难以清理的地方 If the shoe fits, remove the adhesives and glue from the stamping molds.


清理难以清理的地方 Like a Champ: How Hubbard-Hall's On-Site Quality Program Reduces Costs and Downtime

一家制造商面临着倾销昂贵的600加仑蒸汽脱脂浴,并因pH值低而在市中心遭受巨大损失. Hubbard-Hall’s CHAMP program caught the issue before parts were damaged and before the tank would have a need to be dumped. 澳门威尼斯人网上赌场分析服务技术人员每周进行一次检查,提醒制造商注意脱脂机的机械问题, 原来是下水道堵塞了. 有一次,排水管很快就修好了, the vapor degreasing machine was working smoothly again, and the Hubbard-Hall Analytical Service Technician continued its weekly checks of levels to ensure it was working properly

清理难以清理的地方 Opening the Door to Better Pretreatment, Less Cost, and Improved Performance

一家商业钢门框制造公司的磷酸铁预处理系统遇到了麻烦,因为当地的污水处理设施开始注意到其废水中金属含量较高. The local treatment district began issuing fines to the company, 当制造商寻求一种方法使他们的系统恢复合规并避免对他们采取更严格的监管措施时,这些问题积累了起来. hubard - hall代表迅速评估了导致高金属排放水平的制造工艺变更,并建议进行两项变更来解决问题. Change the manufacturer’s four-stage pretreatment to a closed loop zero-discharge system eliminating any waste from going to the drain. Change the pretreatment chemistry to Eco Quest NCS 172-LF

White Glove Distribution Services When You Can’t Afford to Be Line Down.

在当今世界的供应链挑战, semiconductor manufacturers need reliability and resources to help their production lines stay up and running. The mission of Hubbard-Hall’s Inventory Management Service is to keep materials flowing to eliminate down time production. 卡特·伯宁汉就是这样, 澳门威尼斯人网上赌场的供应链主管, 下班后接到一个客户的电话,说他们在新英格兰制造工厂使用的材料有缺陷.

治疗难治之症 Rejuvenating a Trickling Filter System to Remove Fats, Oils, and Grease

一个制造商的滴流过滤器已经有一段时间不能正常工作了,于是他们决定请澳门威尼斯人网上赌场来检查系统的预处理部分,并试图让它正常工作,这样它就可以处理脂肪了, 石油, 污水处理系统中的油脂.

治疗难治之症 A Bug in the System: Using Bacteria to Treat Industrial Wastewater

一家金属挤压公司发现,由于表面活性剂破坏了细菌,其废水处理操作中的生化需氧量(BOD)出现了问题. 具体地说, the company was treating rinse water that contained surfactants with biologics and related chemistries and, 在一段时间内, found their treatment process was having a less-than-desired effect. They approached Hubbard-Hall with a need for a better culture that is more surfactant-resistant than what they had been using.

清理难以清理的地方 Process Matters in Solving Critical Parts Cleaning Issues

Hubbard-Hall’s cleaning team resolved a $1 million inventory issue for a defense manufacturer by addressing process issues, not just cleaning chemistry. 尽管没有赢得产品 sale, their expertise led to the acceptance of 400 tubes, demonstrating a commitment to customer satisfaction and building confidence for future collaboration.